I had a vision of a powerful blue fire on the top of the Vatican cuppula

God bless u in Jesus Name pls God thank U amen And my Words in Jesus Name pls God the blessing and thank U amen In a vision that I had in the cuppula of the vatican a very powerful blue fire was down of the size of the cuppula upon the Vatican coming from inside an extraterrestrial aircraft Anti holy Spirit (I used to call it) I feel that crispr cas9 of the vaccine will transform the DNA to those vaccinated so that they may receive being robot like a false and fake "holy spirit fire" Revelation 13 "he makes descend fire from heaven." The age of the worship of technology Recent drawing: Recent drawings, July 17, 2023 Now I have learned how to use Photoshop, thank God, that is how I had the vision of the UFO that was shooting blue zero-point energy power of Nikola Tesla over the Vatican, and then I thought of Revelation 13.13 God bless us Edit: November 15 2023 Blue fire coming down from heaven, zero point energy power field of Nikola Tesla ; energy for all vaccin...