
Showing posts from January, 2024

Black goo in Spider Man

SPIDER MAN 3 Venom Scenes 2007 Tobey Maguire This has so much symbolism Like the guy opens the door as in metaverse doing it And the venom "graphene" "black goo" HAS A BIG PROBLEM WITH SOUND So think about the radiation of the 5g towers upon the vaccinated with graphene, black goo Eddie Brock Becomes Venom Scene Spider Man 3 2007 Movie CLIP The Venom Symbiote Bonds With Spider Man Spider Man 3 2007 Movie Clip

Neocorteza, chip

La neocorteza la harán digital , horrible Entonces AI controlará la inteligencia racional del ser humano y luego AI encima estará de las emociones y los instintos humanos UN PASO MÁS CERCA DE LA MARCA DE LA BESTIA, CONECTAN EL CEREBRO HUMANO A UNA COMPUTADORA

Tedros, Crispr

Image Tedros, que ha expresado repetidamente su indignación por el acceso dramáticamente desigual a las vacunas COVID-19 en todo el mundo, también insistió en que los beneficios potenciales de las tecnologías de edición del genoma deben aprovecharse de manera equitativa. "La edición del genoma humano tiene el potencial de mejorar nuestra capacidad para tratar y curar enfermedades", dijo en un comunicado. "Pero el impacto total sólo se logrará si lo implementamos en beneficio de todas las personas, en lugar de alimentar más inequidad en salud entre los países y dentro de ellos".

Davos 2024


Davos 2024: Welcoming Remarks by Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman

"Today, we stand at a unique juncture in human history, facing challenges that are as diverse as they are profound. The special role of the World Economic Forum is not to look at just one single issue, instead, it is the place at the beginning of each year to analyse the state of the world in a systemic and strategic way, and to find common ground to generate positive impact. Geopolitically, our world is more interconnected, yet paradoxically, more divided than ever. Economically, we grapple with sluggish growth, and with inequalities and uncertainties that threaten the very fabric of our societies. Environmentally, we confront the relentless challenges of climate change, a threat to our planet's delicate balance. And technologically, we navigate uncharted waters, where innovation offers boundless opportunities but also unprecedented risks. These deeply transformative challenges which are the cornerstone of our programme lead to uncertainty, generalized fear and pessimism. The

Eliezer Yudkowsky: Los peligros de la IA y el fin de la civilización humana, Podcast #368 de Lex Fridman

English Spanish Primera parte:

Three World Wars, Albert Pike; Lucifer is god

Image "The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war." siervo33x : And this happened, Gavrilo princip killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand , so agents of Illuminati had to do with this killing, so war stroke "At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions." "The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed" siervo33x : That happened, Hitler got gone w

15 minutes cities AI

The World in 2030 by Dr Michio Kaku El mundo en 2030 por el Dr Michio Kaku


2 Timoteo 3:16-17 Toda la Escritura es inspirada por Dios, y útil para enseñar, para redargüir, para corregir, para instruir en justicia, a fin de que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto, enteramente preparado para toda buena obra.(RVR) Juan 3:16 Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.(RVR) 1 Juan 2:2 Y él es la propiciación por nuestros pecados; y no solamente por los nuestros, sino también por los de todo el mundo.(RVR) Mateo 12:46-50 Mientras él aún hablaba a la gente, he aquí su madre y sus hermanos estaban afuera, y le querían hablar. Y le dijo uno: He aquí tu madre y tus hermanos están afuera, y te quieren hablar. Respondiendo él al que le decía esto, dijo: ¿Quién es mi madre, y quiénes son mis hermanos? Y extendiendo su mano hacia sus discípulos, dijo: He aquí mi madre y mis hermanos. Porque todo aquel que hace la voluntad de mi Padre que está en los cielos, ése es mi hermano, y

Los robots libran una guerra inhumana en el conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania

Zero Point Energy






Neuralink brain chip has been implanted in a human Elon Musk says


Supernatural Power

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh actually I saw now that bitchute automatically transfers from youtube sorry😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Woaw, God bless us in Jesus Name amen; something supernatural happened yesterday praise God in Jesus Name amen I share in Jesus Name amen So yesterday I was doing these little videos in YouTube and they automatically posted in Bitchute , I have no idea how since I never intended to post them in Bitchute , they are so short for that; so I think angel of God posted, or I posted from the future, or God granted me supernatural power to post each video automatically to Bitchute without me thinking of it; and did not post all of the clips, so without a doubt this is supernatural praise GOD IN CRISTO NOMBRE AMEN There we can see the clips I uploaded short live yesterday to YOUTUBE And these are the videos that got uploaded TODAY JANUARY 30 2024 to Bitchute, I never intended these to go here since they are too short; but not even all of them, some of them, someon

Ray Kurzweil: Singularity, Superintelligence, and Immortality, Lex Fridman Podcast 321

Image "Now that's something that could actually just just about be done today where would listen to your conversation understand what you're saying, understand what you're not missing and give you that information but another step is to actually go inside your brain and there are some prototypes where you can connect your brain, they actually don't have the amount of bandwidth that we need, they can work but they work fairly slowly so if if it actually would connect to your neocortex and the neocortex which I described in how to create a mind, the neocortex is actually, it has different levels and as you go up the levels, it's kind of like a pyramid, the top level is fairly small and that's the level where you want to connect these brain extenders so I believe that will happen in the 2030, we will actually, so just the way this is greatly amplified by being connected to the cloud, we can connect our own brain to the clo

The Google engineer who thinks the company AI has come to life


Avatar 2045



Neo vs Smith Clones The Matrix Reloaded Wow mismo día, segundo sueño de Transhumanismo Blue Pill or Red Pill The Matrix Movie CLIP 1999 Most crazy stuff So when you see the first clip it shows how SMITH tries to enter into NEO, and he uses some graphene or black goo power dark energy to try to get inside of him May God bless sharing in JESUS NOMBRE AMEN I dreamt that people to go on metaverse were all covered in a black color; i posted there the following link, and now that I think about it it sounds like people will get covered in a black goo, if not already with the vaxx in graphene in them; so then to join the metaverse and bring in their digital self inside the metaverse This crazy man And then the blue or red pill; related to take or not vaxx one may think God bless us each in JESUS NOMBRE AMEN siervo33x

Planet X collision


Planet Nibiru X




Es en la crisis

Es en la crisis cuando se revela el carácter. Cuando la voz fervorosa proclamó a media noche: “He aquí, el esposo viene; salid a recibirle”, y las vírgenes que dormían fueron despertadas de su sueño, se vio quién había hecho la preparación para el acontecimiento. Ambas clases fueron tomadas desprevenidas; pero una estaba preparada para la emergencia, y la otra fue hallada sin preparación. Así también hoy en día, una calamidad repentina e inesperada, algo que pone al alma cara a cara con la muerte, demostrará si uno tiene verdadera fe en las promesas de Dios. Mostrará si el alma es sostenida por la gracia. La gran prueba final viene a la terminación del tiempo de gracia, cuando será demasiado tarde para que la necesidad del alma sea suplida.  -Palabras de Vida del Gran Maestro

APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION LAUDATE DEUM OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS TO ALL PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL ON THE 17. Certain apocalyptic diagnoses may well appear scarcely reasonable or insufficiently grounded. This should not lead us to ignore the real possibility that we are approaching a critical point. Small changes can cause greater ones, unforeseen and perhaps already irreversible, due to factors of inertia. This would end up precipitating a cascade of events having a snowball effect. In such cases, it is always too late, since no intervention will be able to halt a process once begun. There is no turning back. We cannot state with certainty that all this is going to happen, based on present conditions. But it is certain that it continues to be a possibility, if we take into account phenomena already in motion that “sensitize” the climate, like the reduction of ice sheets, changes in ocean currents, deforestation in tropical rainforests and the melting of permafrost in Russia, etc. [12] 19. F


Pope Francis’s message to Davos 2018 in full "Before the many barriers of injustice, of loneliness, of distrust and of suspiction which are still being elaborated in our day, the world of labour is called upon to take courageous steps in order that ‘being and working together’ is not merely a slogan but a programme for the present and the future” (Ibid). Only through a firm resolve shared by all economic actors may we hope to give a new direction to the destiny of our world. So too artificial intelligence, robotics and other technological innovations must be so employed that they contribute to the service of humanity and to the protection of our common home, rather than to the contrary, as some assessments unfortunately foresee." "There is a grave responsibility to exercise wise discernment, for the decisions made will be decisive for shaping the world of tomorrow and that of future generations. Thu

Hunger coming

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: Unelected globalists (including Klaus Schwab and the UN) are using the "human-induced climate change" scam as a pretext to ban fossil fuels and nitrogen fertiliser, in order to deliberately depopulate the planet.

Apocalipsis 17

Apocalipsis 17:12-14 Y los diez cuernos que has visto, son diez reyes, que aún no han recibido reino; [LOS 10 REYES DEL NEW WORLD ORDER] pero por una hora recibirán autoridad como reyes juntamente con la bestia. [SE UNEN EL PAPADO Y EL NEW WORLD ORDER] Estos tienen un mismo propósito, y entregarán su poder y su autoridad a la bestia. [LE ENTREGAN TODO EL PODER DIGITAL AL PAPADO] Pelearán contra el Cordero, y el Cordero los vencerá, porque él es Señor de señores y Rey de reyes; [CRISTO GANA] y los que están con él son llamados y elegidos y fieles.(RVR) [POR SU GRACIA HASTA EL FIN] Apocalipsis 17:17 porque Dios ha puesto en sus corazones el ejecutar lo que él quiso: [DIOS TIENE SU AGENDA AMEN, SU PARODIA MESIANICA GLORIA A CRISTO IN JESUS NOMBRE AMEN] ponerse de acuerdo, y dar su reino a la bestia, [QUIEN GOBIERNA ES EL PAPADO] hasta que se cumplan las palabras de Dios.(RVR) [ APOCALIPSIS 16 ]

Klaus Schwab You all will have implants "But can you imagine that in 10 years when we are sitting here we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel because you all will have implants I can and we measure your your brain waves and I can immediately tell you how some people react or I can feel how some people react to your answers is it imaginable" Klaus Schwab You all will have implants Revelation 18:11-13 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men .(KJV) What