Sueño del Vaticano

Hola, Jesús te ama, qué poco tiempo que hay

Mirá, este sueño fue: Yo y Michelle Ramírez mirando al Papa Juan Pablo Segundo resucitado pero no era resucitado, era un Holograma 3D controlado por un demonio, inquieto estaba el demonio

Me desperté y una voz me dijo: "Y se maravilló toda la tierra en pos de la bestia"

En 2017 soné esto

Jesús te ama y te bendiga, amén

[Foto puesta ahora Octubre 16 2023]

Edit: November 15 2023

Devil restarted computer; here we go again:

In dream Michelle Ramirez and I siervo33x were watching John Paul 2 resurrected but that was not him resurrected but a hologram in 3d avatar of John Paul 2 controlled by a demon through ropes and demon was in a some dark 4th dimension jail black

Obviously John Paul 2 hologram avatar 3d digital was smaller, that just to show clearly; 50% smaller at least



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