had a dream about climate change

it was a huge warm,like a toy,like sort of alien organism,it was smart,it was walking in a piece of snow then he was going to touch the river,the river was all frozen,with his touch the river got all broken and then when the river started to break fire started to show,like if there was fire before and climate change covered all the fire with water and it got frozen, then people appeared on the part of snow,they looked like it was a job to do something about the fire or broken glass of frozen river,hope i remember more the people there,what a dream,oh,i think in dream it said 2024,interesting that climate change would change the whole climate,bury fire in frozen water,dream was like alien was helping a humanity get back on the planet as living people to live again on here,the alien was very smart,and big,size of a truck and a half,God bless u in Jesus Name amen


let us remember future time is of God

now A.I. help me on


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