had a horrible dream about destiny

hi God bless u in Jesus Name amen

i was dreaming that i was in the street and i was so hungry that someone came by and gave me cookies and some food

i started eating the cookie
now the police arrive fast and examined the cookie

it came to pass that the cookie had some element in it that it was a chemical that it was an element like a drug

i said i didnt know,and police took me to the police station

there police interviewed me and this is the interesting funny part

there appeared two good friends here at the church i go

the husband was the police

i love the husband and wife,brothers in Christ

he asked me about the cookie

i said i didnt know

then i told him if i even had broken glass in the floor i may eat


and now i think about two friends

they are always hungry

i ask God in Jesus Name i may provide for them so they may eat for two reasons

one, they are creatures of God, God made them both

second, i dont wanna be like all these friends i ask them to help them eat and they didnt help

there is a time that will come like this:

Matthew 25:31-46
King James Version
31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

may God bless each of us in helping us help the people in hunger and bless our souls and their souls in Jesus Name amen



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