dream about the future: the big city of the future

Hi, God bless us each in JESUS NAME AMEN

God bless this post in JESUS NAME AMEN

long time ago i had this dream

it is about the big city of the future

i ll tell it as it is in the dream

in the dream, i was like prophet ezekiel, when he was told to dig in a hole on the wall, in my case, i was in a little mountain, and i had to see through a hole, it was like long into the hole, then i saw this:

i saw a big city with highways like UFO freeways on the sky, and buildings, and something got my attention, an artificial tree, there were no natural trees anymore in the future, only one big artificial tree with artificial bubbles popping up onto the atmosphere, the air, so only one big tree with bubbles popping out of it, like if it were to be a big fishtank the whole city, for people to live there

it is like on this post




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