i had a dream once more about sylvester stallone
God bless us in Jesus name amen
i certainly dream the future since 2017 and my family member i dreamt last week and precisely she died,i thought she was a closer relative,but she looked alike like my closer relative,didnt know,so now she dead
now i will share this dream
i dream sylvester stallone,wanted to tell him but it seems instagram account he blocked me
i was going to tell him:
Brother Lord bless us so much in Jesus Name amen
Lord beautiful God bless every word i say in Jesus Name amen
i dreamt once more with u my friend
it was such a beautiful amazing dream
i share
u were like my guide
u were young
u were with me like instructing me
i had to go through a window to be noticed like u did (in dream),i probably at last saw ur instructor in the movie rocky,u r such a beautiful person brother,my brother next in blood he was also in dream,trying also it was like through exercise to be noticed,he probably was better than me; and at last u say something like "to keep trying until someone notices" and u said "us",such a beautiful person
i love these dreams,they tell me something
last week i dreamt i thought my ****** but actually she was my ******,looked so much as my ******,but didnt think of ******,now she dead; i respect my dreams; and seeing u everytime brings me lots of joy because i see u as my guide for the future coming
much love brother
thank u for...
and whatever i was gonna say no matter,he blocked me
what will this mean? hope aint meaning death because i dreamt my dead grandpa the other day,i ll share
Word of God says: "damned be who trusts man"
so let us keep up,God bless us in Christ name amen

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