Conrad Vine and Revolution

Yea we gotta focus on attack Babylon Catholic Church, Jeremiah 50.14 los Saeteros (arqueros)

Then all people who aint backing up the war they will have to choose to just get back and get swept away by Vatican

In my pov (point of view) to fight Ted Wilson presidency is a step that he gotta be very wise, he gotta see that the division caused by his work wont reject him by the lil people believers

Meaning the revolution comes, but I think best is continue to attack Babylon Vatican Papacy and yes mention the bad of Ted Wilson like allowing vaxx which he did but to condemn him like to be brought down of power is to step up in a position that can bring many followers away from hearing his message, but still work of revolution has to be done, but like I dreamt today, light will be too much for some people; so yes revolution, wisdom to attrack everyone, and instead of pointing straight to the bad leader, combine it with the evil of Papacy (Papacy promotes vaxx) and expose the problem and by consequence people will want a new leadership

Meaning make people move to change because they understand the problem

So stronger result, same problem, tiny different tactique

But he does the way he feels (I gotta watch his vids)

Strong war comes as to fight all evil

I would say like "guante blanco", like use words carefully not because of fear but to flight up like eagle and let fighter bird sofocate because it cant go that high

Expose problems and make people rise to fight

I watched vid now

1. Creo que el es un iluso en creer que la Iglesia como tal liderazgo seguira reglas cualquiera sea, desde que la vacuna entro el discernimiento de liderazgo eclesiastico para mi personalmente acabo
2. Lo de la narrativa que dijo Conrad fue buenisimoooooooooooooooooooooooooo


vaxx to hell


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